Health and Safety

·         The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
      Collage is a safe place to work because all the cables are tucked away in plastic covering and food and drink is not allowed in any class rooms. this is so no electrics cant be cut or ruin'd with liquids or food. 
·         Computer Misuse Act
      The computer misuse act is basically when people try and hack in to other peoples computer soft where to get there personal in formation like bank details, gmail info and private photos.   
·         Screen Display Act
      The screen display act is basically because there is radiation coming out every computer screen that is puling all the time and if it wears out it could get slower and effect the person using it that's why you should get it checked every 2 years. 
·         Copyright and Patents Act
      if a website has the words copyright / crown copyright this means that no one can copy the website or use i unless they have the right to because of the law. 


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