Research into other blogs showing different types of multimedia and interactivity this will take you to a you tube video about day z and there fore it is a hyper link. and it is a rollover because it when you put your mouse over it a  small part of the video is showed.

After looking at these blogs it gives me an idea of what I can do in my own blog.

Interactivity  this will take you to a you tube video of pubg the game. this is called a hyper link. as i roll my mouse along the video there is a pop up.

I would use zembula because it looks reliable,unique and effective. also it says they strive to give an easy interactive experience. Additionally it gives you plenty of tools to create interactive content.


  1. You have began to show research. To complete what is needed for your first assignment, you need to say how your research into different blogs can be used to give ideas for layout of your own blog, to explain purposes of at least three different blogs, to explain the purpose of your own blog, to explain at least three different things to consider when making a blog or blog post.


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